Sand Experiments


The last few weeks I was out of the circles & routines of my regular life, did not use my ordinary tools, I was visiting and contemplating different reality concepts during my journey in the far east. Self confidence, clean associations, purity arise without the regular routines that are wired so deep in me. To avoid regular routines: I travelled far and was doing something else.


Some days I was playing with sand. I saw some crabs digging holes into the sand to avoid attacks on the beach. They left really interesting patterns on the sand. I started cutting holes into a cardboard, pouring sand onto the surface of it, then observing the naturally organized patterns that are exactly the same that we find in the -these days so overhyped- algorithms of voronoi tessellations and diagrams.


After all it is really interesting that some basic computational calculations can be done with some natural forces (gravity and density in this case). Take time for example: sandglass is one of the simplest exact visualizations of time that we can find in nature.

The other example is a visible process instead of a “compiled” result. The sand is dancing here. It is in continuous movement, an ever-cycling entity, acts like a liquid, morphing shapes of mountains and oceans become visible between the interaction of the grains. It is a sort of low-tech reaction diffusion system. These methods are also used so widely in the world of computer graphics as natural simulations. The system here consists of sand, oscillating air pressure and gravity: a speaker is placed under the surface that is resonating at 60Hz.