Nao Bot Guru / Speculative AI, random chance predictions, glitch language robotics


Songlines / indigenous knowledge, artificial intelligence, lecture performance


Future Meme Device / a fortune telling machine who likes drawings & magic realism


00011110 / infinite 1D cellular shell pattern generator


Random Forest / generative plotter drawings with a soft acoustic space


Floating Point / abstract visuals / virtual space / algorithmic sound / machine learning


Bricolage / lecture performance / realtime sonification / visualization


PolarGraph / kinetic drawing exhibition / single line procedures


Moment's Notice / optoacoustic performance / sound reactive visuals


Echo / a listening machine / realtime twitter bot sonification



Silence / a sound reactive public art installation



FLOW / Procedural visual synthetiser


Nest / public space installation / be creative by using your own shadows and siluettes


Alpha (1 & 2) / installation / try to observe the piece without disturbing its inner flow


Shanghai Synth / environment / spatial sounds combined with kinetic algorithmic movements


Kertek Alatt / live performance / sampling, synthesis & procedural drawing


Prototypen / outdoor public installation for trees and waterdrops


Mandala / an instrument for observing the inner space / synthesis, procedural drawing



Binaura © 2024