This project was a three room installation for a press-award event. All the installations were interactive music games for the audiance to play with.

1.: Mozart room - a camera is tracking the horizontal movements of the people. The audio and the visual are generated in real time reacting to the motion of the visitors.

2.: Midi piano - in this room, there is an acoustic midi piano which can receive MIDI signals form a computer. A custom made software is transforming the visual information into MIDI music motes, so the visitors are able to play the piano using body gestures.

3.: Noise room - in this real-time video montage people are placed into a crouded indian street. The space is devided to several recangular zones, and when a person enters into one, it playes a sound sample from a database.

All the installations are based on custom build softwares made with openframeowrkd and PureData.

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