Flux is a digital sound sculpture. You can define the overall shape and structure of an evolving composition by drawing a simple initial gesture on a tablet device or phone. The gesture is analyzed by the system, and certain parameters define length, movements and mood of the audiovisual composition. Every element is calculated on the fly, based on your initial gesture and some simple algorithms.
The sound synthesis is structured as a flux of material, similar to a waterfall: the initial white noise serves as the source for all sounds. It is then filtered through several layers, flowing and traveling through filtered paths and probabilities to reach their destination through the speakers.

The result is an ever-changing, sculpted constellation of these tiny filter fragments. The visual field is mapped to the sonic structure: filter values, probability intervals and logical decisions are controlling the minimal, pulsating environment thus creating a contemplative, synesthetic experience.

Flux is built with open source technologies. The sound synthesis is made with the free patching environment Pure Data (using libPD for android), while the user interface is built with Processing (with some core Android functions). A non-interactive, automated version of the Pure Data sound patch is available freely on Github.
Credits Concept: Agoston Nagy, Bence Samu. Design & Development: Agoston Nagy Flux logo is based on a 3d lorenz attractor render by Suzanne John